Healing using the natural body Meridians.
Meridian therapy is a holistic treatment that balances the body through the esoteric fields and the physical body.
Particular attention is placed on the palpation of the abdomen, sensing and tuning in to the client, looking at the texture and colour of the skin, hardness, softness, tightness moisture, dryness etc.
Then a root treatment is performed whereby bringing the organs into balance through the pulses.
A herbal plant called Mugwort (MOXA) is used to complete the Meridian balance.
This moxa is rolled into fine long 1/2cm pieces or cones and are placed upright on the skin.
A piece of incense lights the end of the moxa and it slowly burns just above the skin, unblocking the channel below. It works a bit like a fine laser.
The pulses are then rechecked and other fine attunements corrected until the balance is complete.