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Earth healings for homes and businesses


3.5 hour$450.00The time to complete each house is 3 1/2 hrs - crystals included in fee.

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Mobile Therapy

Mobile on-site consultations are available in the Brisbane metro area.

Please note that for all on-site mobile consultations, there shall be a $10 fee to cover travel expenses.

Remove Geopathic stress in your environment.


    The human body aligns itself with Mother Earth, in that they both have life force energy running through them.

    When there are blockages in the energy channels there is a decline in our health and wellbeing.

    The vibrations from the Earth's geopathic radiation, rise up to the surface, creating weak distorted electromagnetic fields.

    These can have a dramatic effect on your health when living or working over them.

    There could also be underground water 15 metres beneath the ground, which may have an effect on the emotions of the body.

    There may be negative ley lines, EMF’s damaged energetic grids and domicile or ownership imprints of energy left behind in a house or building.

    The GER lines can extend vertically as in multiple floors in apartments, units, office buildings and 2 story homes etc.

    Over 80 years ago, the medical profession knew that geopathic stress was detrimental to human health and it was important to be cleared before treatment could be 100% successful.

    Geopathic stress doesn’t cause illness but lowers the Immune system, taking longer to get over an illness.

    If you live over these negative vortexes for a short or long period of time, your cells may start reacting and speed up, and start turning in the opposite direction thus increasing the potential of cancerous cells.

    The vortexes generate too much power for the human body to withstand.

    Crystals are the means by which the land can be transformed, transmit, amplify, double the electromagnetic fields and release blockages.

    Ley lines are opened and peace and tranquillity, growth and change begin to occur on the land.

    Suzannah has completed over 600 Earth healings Internationally.

    The land is healed and cleared remotely and then your package of programmed crystals is sent to you.

    You then bury them in strategic places to open up the energetic grids via the information sent by email.

    All prices in Australian dollars.

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